Dr. Oogar was beside himself with grief and decided that he had to become crazy in order to find a way to bring her back, because all great scientists are crazy.
Craziness ensued and Dr. Oogar started doing multiple, if not more, horrific experiments on helpless animals and homeless stinky bums with dry elbows.
Dr. Oogar's father was at this point in time (this was the following Saturday) sleeping in a closet at a beachside hotel in Ohio. He somehow died from this.
Facer Oogar was almost halfway done with his experiments when he suddenly got the telegram about his father's untimely death.
He decided that maybe he should try to revive the two people he loved the most,
thus creating a robot necromancer he named HANKobot.
HANKobot was programmed with one single mission; to dig up graves and find skeletal remains to use in a necromancer ritual, bringing Dr. Oogar's father and his soon-not-to-be former assistant back from the dead. But something went terribly wrong...
HANKobot decided that he wanted to become human, why not? He killed Dr. Oogar with a forklift in his sleep and stole the body parts and bones so he could use Dr. Oogar's laboratory - after office hours - to create an abomination (with bolts in its neck cuz having bolts in your neck is cool), so that he could transfer his consciousness into it and live out the rest of his days as a low-IQ Average Joe on minimal wage.